Get Common Steps to Delete Instagram Account

2 min readJun 25, 2021


How to delete an Instagram account? For temporary period or delete permanently! We have the solution. To delete an Instagram account is quite easy. Instagram users are too much concerned about their Instagram account because of various security reasons. Deleting the Instagram account is also the probable consequence of security concerns. Here we will be discussing how users can delete Instagram account by following given explanations.

Visit our website: Delete Instagram Account: Learn How to Delete Instagram Account 2021

Instagram has been an excellent visual gizmo for sparkling strong awareness and quite inventive in generating distinct awareness for your brand and career or system as a whole.

Instagram is a social networking mobile application that authorize users to take, share, upload, and edit photos and videos. Even the social networking services included in Instagram help followers promote contents to a circle of people or give comments.

More than one billion people throughout the globe are using this site to share their images, videos or messages. Before, Instagram was just used for entertainment which now has widened to marketing, business, education, health and many more.

In business arena, Instagram is considered “the Rex of Social Engagement”. People are marketing their products through tablets and mobiles and their scope of sale has enlarged.

First created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, Instagram was officially launched for the iPhone on 6th October 2010 for sharing images and videos. It initially provided functions for sharing and editing photos which gradually developed to photo messaging and sharing videos enjoined to another follower anywhere at any time nationally as well as internationally.

If you temporarily disable your account, Instagram hides your profile, photos, comments, and likes. They still exist in a cloud server and you may return to your account in the distant future). Here are the steps to deactivate the Instagram account temporarily:

  • Visit the Instagram website and log into your account.
  • Navigate to your profile page and click ‘Edit Profile.’
  • Select ‘Temporarily disable my account’ at the bottom of the page.
  • Open the drop-down menu next to ‘Why are you disabling your account?’ and select the option most relevant to you.
  • When directed, re-enter your Instagram password.
  • Finally, select ‘Temporarily disable an account.’

